To book or not to book?

Booking on beforehand enables persons with health issues to choose the (guaranteed) most quiet moments. There’s no stress of having to boulder with lots of people around and acting upon the 1.5m rule is easy.

You hear it on the daily news that the number of covid-19 cases still rise. If a visitor of DB gets tested positive a few days after his/her visit to DB the GGD needs to conduct a spreading survey. By using we can easily get access to all mailaddresses of all visitors of that specific day/moment.

In the upcoming period you’ll find more timeslots of 2.5h and 3h in Toplogger. You might have noticed already but you can now book your timeslot for a free consult with the physio on Monday night via Toplogger as well.

What else changes? Well, showers remain closed. Changing rooms are open for those who can’t change clothes at work, as there’s only room for 3p in the changing rooms at the same time we kindly request you to change clothes at home.

Last week we reopened the campusboard. As of next week we also reopen the monkeybar (for persons of 18yrs and older). Washing your hands frequently also applies for the trainingsarea, same goes for not touching your face.

Enjoy the summer!


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