Happy New Year!

We have a lot of plans for 2020. Such as? Well, as soon as we’ve found extra staff we will realise extra opening hours. Should you know someone – fluent in both Dutch and English- who’s looking for a full time job (32 hrs), please let him/her contact us asap!

For those longing for bouldering when it’s rather quiet: try the afternoons on Monday and Tuesday. Enjoying your somewhat private boulder session in these afternoon helps improving crowd control of which others will benefit as well. Everybody happy!

What have we scheduled for Q1? We start with a db9 on Friday 17 January (entry as of year of birth 2005). As the stronger competition climbers are most likely to join the national competition Boulder 2 on Saturday 18 January we will set a little a little more gently for this db9. This surely doesn’t mean you’ll have less fun, au contraire!

On Saturday evening 8 February the Dutch Bleasard Bart van Raaij will give a good old fashioned slide show to illustrate the history of climbing as he has experienced it. This will be in Dutch, so you better start practising your Dutch as this is a once in a lifetime show.

In the weekend of 28 and 29 March we organise the 3rd edition of the DBIYO (Delfts Bleau International Youth Open) for the international youth JAB. We’re happy to hear that the event not just appeals to the Dutch and European youth, but to the Canadians as well. Coaches all over Europe are busy organising trips in order to enable their A and B selection teams to join. As you’ll appreciate non-competitors cannot boulder themselves during that weekend but are very welcome to come and watch the competition. We do have a solution for everyone with a subscription: upon showing your card you get a free boulder session at Bolder Neoliet in Rotterdam.
And, together with the Routesettersteam (Jacky Godoffe, Christophe Cazin & Michiel Nieuwenhuijsen) we’re currently looking into the option of organising a db9 XXL on Saturday 28 March. This depends on many factors such as the number of DBIYO competitors, the time required for setting the final boulders on the main wall, the time the constructors of the stand need etc. Would you love to participate in this db9 XXL edition? Would you be disappointed if you’d only had 3 hours to enjoy this db9 XXL (stand constructors need to start at 20h). Tell us!

And last but not least we have good news for those who are rather new to the bouldering competitions. The pilot for Boulder Series for adults starts on Friday 20 March. Monk Bouldergym Rotterdam will do the kick-off. The 2nd edition will be hosted on Friday 17 April by De Campus in The Hague and we’ll host the 3rd one on Friday 15 May. The Series will continue in the fall with competitions at Bolder Neoliet Rotterdam, Kunststof Leiden and Beest Boulders in The Hague. More information will be available in time, but you better start training! There’s a Bleau Technique Training starting in Dutch in 2 weeks time, and should you like to attend an English one be sure you put your name on the list. As soon as we have 4 attendees we’ll organise a Bleau Technique Training in English. Do you lack flexibility and/or power? Be sure to join Bleau Yoga that starts Saturday 4 January (3 spots left). Wouldn’t you like to start 2020 fit and strong?

Are you looking forward to 2020 as much as we do?

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