Category Archives: Nieuws
CoronaToegangsBewijs and Bleau Yoga
We understand you’re not that happy about having to show your CoronaToegangsBewijs upon entry. We do hope you’re happy about the fact that indoor sport facilities don’t have to close their doors. Continue reading
Bookings per 27 September and Coronavirus Entry Pass
Do you follow (Dutch) news re. covid-19 restrictions and liftings? In that case you already know the 1.5m distance rule is lifted per 25 September. As of that day you have to show your Coronavirus Entry Pass + ID to make use of any horeca facility. How does this apply to sportvenues such as bouldergyms? Continue reading
(Nederlands) Versoepelingen per 25 september a.s.
(Nederlands) De covid-19 restricties worden behoorlijk versoepeld per 25 september a.s. Wat houdt dat in voor het boulderen? Continue reading
db9! 24 – 26 September
Happy birthday to us : ) We celebrate our 9th birthday with a very special edition of the db9, with one that lasts 3 days! Continue reading
Bleau Technique, kids birthdayparties and db9
Schools have restarted and everyone seems to have gone back to the old daily routine. This shows as during the weekday afternoons (Mo -Th) is very quiet in the gym, as of 18h it’s hard to book a timeslot. At this moment we receive a lot of requests for trainings, kids birthdayparties and we’re organising a party of our own as we’ll be celebrating our 9th anniversary! Continue reading
Looking for a (part-time) job in the nicest working environment you can think of? Check our vacancies page and let us know if there’s a match! Continue reading
Petit DB Zomerkamp
(Nederlands) Heb je een zoon of dochter die boulderen helemaal te gek vindt en er graag beter in wil worden? Past het volgen van boulderlessen (nog) niet vanwege andere sporten? Dan is het Petit DB Zomerkamp absoluut iets voor hem/haar! Continue reading
FAQ’s re. bouldering during covid-19
Keep up-to-date with all the covid-19 restrictions and protocolls is nearly a fulltime job. No worries, we’ve made you a list of all the FAQs about bouldering during covid. Continue reading
Yessssss! We’re allowed to re-open!!
the best news ever today! We’re allowed to re-open per Wednesday 19 May! Sheer happiness! Continue reading
Re-opening per Wednesday 19 May???
In the press conference of 11 May the Government announced that indoor sports will re-open per 19 May providing the numbers keep dropping. We certainly hope this will be the case, do you? IF we’re allowed to re-open there will be a maximum of 30 persons in the gym, just like before the 2nd lockdown. You can book via Toplogger per Monday 17 May, unless you are a sponsor or a subscription holder! Continue reading