Category Archives: Nieuws
Bouldercenter Delfts Bleau in the Delft op Zondag
There is a nice article about Bouldercenter Delfts Bleau in today’s Delft op Zondag including a nice picture! Continue reading
Petzl photo contest
Always wanted to go climbing in Argentina? Would you love to join the best climbers in the world and learn from them? Do you have piles of beautiful climbing related photographs? Then participate in the Petzl Roc Trip photo contest, send in your best photograph and win that ticket to the Petzl Roc Trip! Continue reading
Status update August 5
The outside of the wall is finished! The banner with our logo shines on the outside wall and the first beams for the roof of the dressing rooms are placed! Continue reading
Status update July 8
(Nederlands) Weer een paar productieve weken achter de rug. Afgelopen vrijdag is de laatste hand gelegd aan de Arc, die de achterwand met de dino verbind! Een groot deel van de ruwbouw voor de kleedkamers staat overeind. Continue reading
Another article in the AD!
Wednesday June 27th another large article appeared in the AD edition Delft! Continue reading
Status update June 24
The past two weeks an enormous part of the wall has been built, the main wall is finished, the floor is impregnated and we layed the base layer for the dressing rooms. Finally the letter from the council containing the permit arrived this weekend! Continue reading
Status update June 3
Last short working week, still a big progression. First slab part of the wall is now built too. Continue reading
Status update May 28
I got a lot of new ideas during my inspiration trip to Munich and Innsbruck. The construction of the boulderwall is getting along nicely and starting next week we’ll be working on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Continue reading
Status update May 17
Plywood, wood and nuts have been delivered. Been to Bleau to recharge our batteries and on the way home we’ve paid a visit to two bouldercenters in Paris. The building has started last Tuesday. Continue reading
Status update May 6
The concrete has been poured and while waiting for it to dry, the materials needed to build the bouldering walls and the dressing rooms are ordered. The plywood arrives on monday, so the holes can be drilled. The building of the walls starts the 15th! Continue reading