Category Archives: Nieuws
Uitslag db9, programma feestweekend
(Nederlands) De uitslag van de db9 van 4 september staat online en het programma voor het feestweekend en dinsdag de 22e is bekend. Zondag 20 september is ook de open dag van de oude kabelfabriek. Continue reading
Db9, cursussen, openingstijden en feest
Friday 4 September is the next db9, in September a couple of new courses start. As of September we have lunchbouldering on Thursday (11-14u) and are open longer on Sunday (10-19u). The discount for TU Delft Sportscard owners is now the same for everyone. Soon we celebrate our 3rd anniversary! Continue reading
Road closure coming from Delft City center
The Schieweg is closed on week days so traffic coming from Delft City center will have a detour. Take a look at the map what this might mean for you. Continue reading
db9 and maintenance closure
the db9 of 3 july was a tropical edition, with again new winners. On Thursday 30 july and Friday 31 july we’re closed to do some maintenance. Continue reading
Retrospect NK Boulder 2015
The Lotto NK Boulder 2015 was a big succes! All tickets sold out and a couple of thousand people watching the finals live though the live stream. Continue reading
Lotto NK Boulder 2015, trainings and db9
Only a couple of days to go, the Lotto NK Boulder 2015 is getting nearer and nearer. If you don’t have a ticket yet: tickets can only be bought online. As of the end of May we offer a variety of trainings and the weekly physiotherapist consult on Thursday has changed into a biweekly consult on Monday as of Monday 18 May. The next db9 is already scheduled: on Friday 3 July Continue reading
La Sportiva no edge test & feel, next db9 and the NK Boulder 2015
Thursday 2 April we have a test en feel session of La Sportiva no edge shoes, the next db9 is on Friday 17 April and the Lotto NK Boulder is scheduled on 23 May. Continue reading
Jeugd Boulder 2
(Nederlands) Zaterdag 7 februari is Jeugd Boulder 2 in Bouldercentrum Delfts Bleau. De hal is dan alleen geopend voor deelnemers en publiek, er kan niet zelf geboulderd worden. Houd er rekening mee dat er geen treinen rijden tussen Rotterdam en Den Haag! Continue reading
National championships: Jeugd Boulder 2, Saturday 7 February 2015
The Dutch National youth championships bouldering kicks of with Jeugd Boulder 1 on Saturday 17 January in Graviton, Sittard. Delfts Bleau will host the second competition, Jeugd Boulder 2, on Saturday 7 February 2015. Time schedule for 7 February: 10.00h … Continue reading
Uitslag db9, climbing with DJ’s, new slackline courses and the next db9
The results of the birthday party edition of the db9, the announcement of climbing with DJ’s this Thursday (30 October), the start of the slackline courses this Friday (31 October) and the next db9 is on Friday 19 December Continue reading