Category Archives: Nieuws
summer break youth boulder classes
Saturday 1 July we open at 11h due to our annual “OuderKindEvenement”. A fun event but rather chaotic. Continue reading
New rates per 1 June 2017
We´re adjusting the rates per 1 June 2017 for the first time in 5 years. If you have a subscription, nothing changes yet. Continue reading
Closed on Ascension Day and Whit Sunday, results db9
We are closed on Ascension Day (Thursday 25 May) and on Whit Sunday (Sunday 4 June). On Whit Monday we’re open the entire day, from 10:00 till 22:30 (bar till 23:30) Continue reading
Delfts Bleau is closed on Koningsdag, Thursday 27 April!
(Nederlands) Feestdagen
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(Nederlands) Start Nationale boulder wedstrijdseizoen voor de jeugd
(Nederlands) Aankomende zaterdag 21 januari is jeugd boulder 1 CDE bij Bouldercentrum Delftts Bleau. De hal is de hele dag open voor deelnemers en publiek, maar er kan helaas alleen geboulderd worden door de deelnemers. Continue reading
Opening hours Holiday season and Christmas break
On Christmas Day, Boxing Day, during the holiday and around New Year our opening hours are adapted. For the first time we’re open in the daytime during the Christmas break (between Christmas and New Year) Continue reading
(Nederlands) Zappsport the Battle: DB op TV!
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db9 2 December
Save the date! It’s nearly db9 time: Friday 2 December (16 yrs and older), kids edition on Saturday 3 December. More info soon.
(Nederlands) Training Bleau Technique
(Nederlands) boulder je op niveau groen met af en toe een oranje top? Tijd om je techniek te verbeteren zodat je die oranje boulders kunt gaan bedwingen! Continue reading