Category Archives: Nieuws
Happy Easter!
The gym is closed on Easter Sunday, but on Easter Monday we open a couple of hours earlier than regularly. You can hop straight from your Easter Buffet to a bouldersession as of 12h on Monday. You might even find an Easter treat….. Continue reading
Massage, Pralaya Yoga and Bank Holidays
Have we got good news for you! The shoulder injury of our sportmasseuse Loes is nearly over, and as a result you can book your timeslot again as of Tuesday 16 April. And, Tinus starts with a new series of Pralaya Yoga lessons on Saturday 4 May. We do recommend these lessons should you like to become more flexible and improve your bouldering. Continue reading
DBIYO: the results of the qualifications
woop woop! what a competition we had today! As it turns out quite some of the competitors had difficulty with the scoring system and the judges had quite a job to sort everything out. The scores are available now! Continue reading
DBIYO update
It’s nearly impossible to have missed the posters and notifications in the gym and/or the posts on FaceBook and Instagram: the 2nd edition of the Delfts Bleau International Youth Open (DBIYO) is about to start! On Saturday 30 March and Sunday 31 March over 100 youngsters will give their best during this unique event. Most of the preparations are done behind the scenes, but as of Monday 25 March you might experience some discomfort. Continue reading
Pralaya Yoga, Bleausard & DBIYO
(Nederlands) De Pralaya Yoga training door Tinus Koorn kent een stijgende populariteit. Niet gek, want deze vorm van yoga is speciaal ontwikkeld door een klimmer voor klimmers! Vanaf zaterdag 2 maart start er een nieuwe reeks Pralaya Yoga en de week daarop -za 9 maart- start de Bleausard training. Dit is HET moment om je techniek bij te schaven zodat je daar over een maand of 2 ook lekker buiten in Bleau profijt van hebt. Continue reading
Pralaya Yoga
Did you miss the try-out Pralaya Yoga training in November? Or did you join then and want to join again? Don’t waste your time, the training starts on Saturday 2 February! Continue reading
Team Delfts Bleau wishes you a very happy, healthy and sporty 2019. Do your resolutions for 2019 involve trainer harder and/or competing? Good to know that the trainings start again as of 3 January! Continue reading
happy holidays!
Team Delfts Bleau wishes you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2019. Our opening hours differ somewhat but you surely can boulder during the Holidays. Continue reading
db9, holidayseason, groups
combine the db9 contest with your holiday seasons gift shopping! Buy a present in our shop and we giftwrap it during the contest, so it will be ready for you to pick up upon leaving! Continue reading
(Nederlands) Jeugd Boulder Series
(Nederlands) Het is weer wedstrijdtijd! Zaterdag 10 november a.s. organiseren we i.s.m. de NKBV een jeugdwedstrijd -Jeugd Boulder Series 4- voor kinderen met geen tot beperkte wedstrijdervaring. Doel van de Series is om kinderen kennis te laten maken met wedstrijdsport, waarna ze door kunnen stromen naar de nationale competitie. Continue reading