Category Archives: Nieuws
Happy New Year!
2020….are you ready for the new year? If not so, we like to help you ahead with stimulating trainings, exiting competitions and …… ? We’re not yet reveiling everything! Continue reading
(Nederlands) Het weer vraagt om meer binnenactiviteiten en dat merken we aan de aanvragen voor kinderfeestjes. We zijn tot aan eind 2019 helemaal volgeboekt! Continue reading
Jeugd Boulder Series 2 on Saturday 5 October
The Jeugd Boulder Series is a youth competition set up for youngster to get experience with competition climbing. It’s a serie of 5 competitions and this is the 2nd one. About 70 kids (+ parents, brothers, sisters, trainers and fans) will swarm the gym. Continue reading
(Nederlands) feest!
(Nederlands) We zijn jarig! Vier je dit weekend onze 7e verjaardag mee? Continue reading
(Nederlands) Gezocht met spoed: schoonmaker!
(Nederlands) Wegens het vertrek van Jonathan en Ruby zijn we zsm op zoek naar een schoonmaker die 2 tot 4 ochtenden per week aan de slag kan. Ken je zo iemand waarbij het altijd blinkt, die tevreden om zich heen kan kijken na het soppen en oog heeft voor onregelmatigheden? Stuur hem/haar door naar ons en een beloning valt je ten deel! Continue reading
September: our party month
September is our party month. We’ll celebrate our 7th anniversary with a db9 on Friday 20 September and a special events weekend (21 and 22 September). And…..we’re extending our opening hours! Continue reading
Pralaya Yoga in juli
Summer is coming, let’s work on that bendy shape! Will you join the Pralaya Yoga Training (again)? Continue reading
We open an hour later than usual on Saturday 29 June
The boulder lessons for the youth don’t continue in the summer, there are no lessons in July and August. As a tradition we close the school year with the OuderKindEvenement (ParentKidEvent) on Saturday 29 June from 9 until 11h. Due to this event the gym opens at 11h. Continue reading
(Nederlands) db9
Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Opening hours Ascension Day, Pentecost and Whit Monday
It’s getting quiet -at least compared to 3 months ago. The weather is improving, the days are longer and people choose climbing outside more often. Are you looking forward to those quieter moments? We’re open on Ascension Day (Th 30 May) and as a lot of outdoor climbing trips have been organised in this weekend, you’ll be sure to enjoy a quieter boulder session. See you! Continue reading