Category Archives: Nieuws
YESSSSSSSS! Finally, prime minister Rutte has announced boulder and climbing facilities are allowed to re-open per 1 July. Continue reading
fingers crossed: re-opening per 1 July?
(Nederlands) In de persconferentie van 27 mei jl. heeft minister-president Rutte aangegeven dat binnensportlocaties per 1 juli 2020 weer open mogen, mits het aantal covid-19 besmettingen niet toeneemt na de heropening van de horeca per 1 juni a.s. Goed nieuws! Wat betekent dat concreet? Continue reading
Repair of climbing shoes
Quite some repaired climbing shoes are waiting to be reunited with their owner. Are yours still with us? Continue reading
Corona, where do we go from here?
The Netherlands has changed into an 1.5m society and you will notice this will apply to all climbing and boulder gyms in the Netherlands as soon as the moment has arrived to re-open. Until that moment we’re working hard to make the gym look as new again. Continue reading
Pausing subscriptions and sponsorship
The gym is closed by the Dutch Government up and until 28 April. This has financial consequences, for both you and our staff. Would you consider being a sponsor? Continue reading
COVID-19 / Coronavirus
On 12 March the government announced more strict regulations to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading. Of course we are also taking precautions but we stay open as long as we are allowed to. Continue reading
COVID-19 / Coronavirus: DBIYO is postponed!
The Dutch Government (RIVM) has announced that all events with 100p or more are to be cancelled per today, 12 March 2020. Much to our regret this means we’ll have to cancel the DBIYO (28 & 29 March). We hope to set a new date soon. Continue reading
Bleau Yoga and extra opening hours
The demand for Bleau Yoga is high, but 4 weeks in a row doesn’t easily fit in the calenders. As of now you can book a single training via the sign up list in the gym. Isn’t that chill? And, as of March we open at 13h on the Thursdays! Continue reading
Slide show Bart van Raaij
An old school slide show by Bart van Raaij, in Dutch, on Saturday 8 February.
Bigger trainingsarea
Is getting fitter and stronger part of your newyears resolutions? Good news for you then! We have rearranged and extended our trainingsarea! Continue reading