Today, 23 September, the new protocol for sportvenues has been released. Unfortunately these are not available in English, but there is some information for you available.
The good news is you don’t need a Coronavirus Entry Pass (CEP) for practising sports. Obviously you don’t come to our gym when you have a cold or other covid-19 related symptoms. If you visit us in the weekend or on weekdays after 16h you will still need to book a timeslot via Toplogger. For timeslots on weekdays before 16h you don’t have to book a timeslot although it’s highly appreciated if you still do so. By booking a timeslot you give persons with a certain risk on Covid-19 the opportunity to choose a quiet moment.
This past week we have extended the timeslots to 100p in the gym at the same time. As of 25 September there will be approx. 120p in at the same time and if the situation remains comfortable and safe for everyone we will extend the timeslots a bit more. However, this past week quite some customers expressed they really need time to adjust to having a bit of a crowd in. We value your experience and hope you keep us informed by any discomfort or feelings of unsafety.
The new protocol states that for making use of horeca facilities a CEP + ID are required. If you order a coffee to go or a bottle of water to drink in between your boulders, you don’t need to show your CEP + ID. If you order a beverage before or after your boulder session to drink at our terrace, you do need to show your CEP + ID. Youngster up to 13 yrs of age don’t need to show an ID for ordering their consumption. The terrace will be re-organised a bit in order to meet these new regulations. It all needs some adjusting, not just for you but for our barteam as well.
As we still need to be able to provide the GGD (Health Services) with contact details of boulderers in case of a positive test by another boulderer, Toplogger helps us to do so. You also benefit if you’re informed as quickly as possible if you might have been in contact with someone who has just tested positive on covid-19.