Bleau Yoga and extra opening hours

You can now join the Bleau Yoga training on a Saturday that suits you best. Just put your name on the sign up list in the gym and register that date in your calendar. You simply pay per training. The timeslot hasn’t changed: Saturday 10.15-11.45h. You can bring your own yoga mat and blocks but you don’t have to. The sign up list can be found on the front side of the mens changing room, next to the list for the sport massage.

Thanks to the flexibility of our holds cleaning team we’re able to open at 13h on Thursdays as of March. The taking out of the circuit that’s to be refreshed that week is rescheduled to the morning. As soon as the mats have been cleared and the walls have been vacuumed we will open the doors at 13h. Friday will remain our setting day due to which we cannot open earlier than 16h. But still, there are 3 extra hours of bouldering each week!

Do you like to boulder in the peace and quiet? Try to visit us in the early afternoon. Monday up until Thursday we’re open early and until approx. 15.30h you have to share the gym with very few other. Ideal if you work in health care, catering or continous services! On Tuesdays it’s very busy between 17h and 19.30h, on Fridays between 16h and 19h. Please try to avoid these timeslots and schedule your boulder session a little earlier or later. There’s always Google to consult about busy hours!


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